Saturday, April 9, 2011

Learning to Extreme Coupon at CVS

I'm learning to do the Extreme Coupon thing at CVS, using coupons, their extra card, and CVS gift cards that I earn off of Swagbucks, My Points and my Discover Card cash back program
My first trip tomorrow, I'll probably spend right at $46.50, but I'll get $28 back in Extra Credit Bucks to spend on next weeks trip and should come home with:
14 boxes of Finish Dishwasher Detergent
6 boxes of Kellog Bars
2 Russell Stover Eggs
2 bottles of bubbles 
4 bags of M&M's

There's a website called Simply CVS Shopping  to help with CVS
I'm also buying newspaper coupon inserts from Whole Coupon Inserts. If you buy the pack of 10, it's like getting 10 Sunday papers for $1.60 a paper
I'm beginning to learn the websites and organize my coupons and create a stock pile.
Right now, it's taking me about 3 hrs a day as I learn, but I'm writing about it for my online writing jobs too, so that 3 hrs is doing double duty.
As I learn more and get more efficient, it will take less time.
I'm focusing on CVS & Walgreens right now
Kroger's has stopped their double/triple coupons,
so I'm learning to do this to replace Kroger and fill in with Sam's & Wal-Mart & Dollar Tree where I need to. That's all we have here in East Texas.
Feel free to ask questions


Anonymous said...

14 Boxes of Finish??? I'm lucky if any of our CVS stores have 2. Hope your deal goes well! said...

actually, yes I did get:
14 boxes of Finish
6 boxes of cereal bars
2 Easter eggs
2 bottles of bubbles
2 bags of M&M's
2 bags of Hershey Kisses
altogether spent $60 (Tax & All) earned $28 of Extra Credit Bucks to use Next week. Also today my first coupon inserts came in, $75 of Free CVS Gift Cards I've earned through Discover Card and I signed up on Facebook for CVS Beauty and received a free soap coupon. From here on out, the deals should be getting better & better

Taika Maris said...

Looks like a great trip. You were lucky to get 14 boxes of Finish. We didn't have that many on Saturday morning! ('smaller' store than most.)

Jessica @ The Shoestring Budget said...

Good luck as you continue learning the ropes! Looks like you did great on your first trip. As you keep building up and rolling your ECBs it's going to get so much more fun because you'll walk out of the store without spending anything! Thanks for sharing!