Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Learning How To Extreme Coupon

I'm spending some time learning how to Extreme Coupon and get the most for my money.
Here in East Texas, gas is now over $3.60 a gallon, my monthly expenditures for gas/groceries/necessities averages $1500, half our monthly budget, something has to give.
Kroger is threatening to stop doubling & tripling coupons,
Albertson's is about closed down
and my Wal-Mart has said no more internet printed coupons ( they can't do that by the way, I have printed the Corporate Wal-Mart Coupon policy), they can leave me alone now!
and I don't even go into Target at all anymore.
I think my best savings are going to be at CVS with Register Rewards, coupons and free CVS gift cards I earn online.
Learning from the other couponers.
Check out Amanda at Money Saving
She has a Facebook page too
and watch the new TLC show Extreme Couponing every Wed night.
Good Luck! and Save! Save! Save!

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