Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Who Says You Have To Have Turkey on Thanksgiving ?

Non-Traditional Thanksgiving Meals:

What's on Your Table This Year?

Many people choose not to cook a traditional American Thanksgiving meal. The celebration doesn't have to revolve around the turkey. Make it a family day. Choose a menu that is fun, festive and exciting for everyone.

Alternative Thanksgiving Menu IdeasConsider celebrating the orgins of Thanksgiving. Christopher Columbus is said to have discovered America. He was Italian. Twenty-nine years later, the Plymouth colonist and the Wampanoag Indians sat down for a meal of Thanksgiving that included venison and wild fowl. Be creative.

  • Turducken - As odd the name may sound, a turducken is a chicken stuffed inside a duck, stuffed inside a turkey. It's not difficult to make, just time consuming. It makes for a beautiful dinner centerpiece. Each slice reveals chicken, duck and turkey surround in stuffing. This a cajun speciality. Consider using oyster and sausage stuffing.
  • Fried Chicken and Ham - In the south, a traditional Sunday dinner might consist of fried chicken or baked ham. If everyone in the family enjoys the southern comfort, make it for Thanksgiving too. There may not be any leftovers. Side dishes might include sweet potato pie, homemade macaroni and cheese and braised collard greens.
  • Venison - Most people consider venison to be a term used for deer. The only two foods that are officially documented as being part of the first Thanksgiving meal were venison and wild fowl. There are many ways to prepare deer meat. Consider making chicken fried deer stak or deer chili.
  • Lamb - Give the traditional American meal a Middle Eastern, Greek or Oriental flare by braising a lamb. Serve with a side of steamed asparagus, and garlic mashed potatoes for an unforgetable dinner experience.
  • Spaghetti and Lasagna - Create an Italian feast in honor Christopher Columbus. Many people enjoy pasta, especially children. Leftovers can easily be frozen. For a special delight, serve spumoni or italian ice for dessert.
Thanksgiving is more Than Food and Football.

For most Americans, Thanksgiving is all about the perfect meal and the football games afterwards. This year, try to focus more on making memories with family and friends. Invite neighbors or college students who may be celebrating the holiday alone. Enjoy creating new traditions. The family may actually prefer the alternative meal over the traditional menu. Feel free to experiment with new dishes. The dinner may be so spectacular that it becomes part of the regular menu throughout the year. Bon Appetit!

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