Tuesday, November 10, 2009

December Giveaway - Suggestions Please, Free book or CD?

It's Beginning To Feel Like Christmas.........

Ok everyone,
I don't have a book to give away this month.
I'm looking, but I need your suggestions.

Do you want a book giveaway, or a Christmas music CD?

Please respond back with your preference.
If it's a book, what type? Christian Fiction? Duggars 20 and Counting? Christmas Cookbook or devotional?
I also wouldn't mind giving away a brand new NIV Bible to someone out there.

Everybody who responds is in for the drawing.
I'll reward our little Christmas Giveaway
November 30, 2009

I'm not writing as much
Called To Be Momma  is still a place of personal reflection and encouragement.

most of my daily writing is now done for my job at Suite 101, http://www.suite101.com/profile.cfm/awingfield

I hope you will sign up to follow both my writings at Suite 101 and continue following here as well.
Thank You!


Wendy said...

Hi Amy;
Finally figured out how to sign in to this blog. I think a CD, contem. Christian Christmas Music would be a fun choice.
Thanks for the encouraging writing!

Crystal Arcand said...

I'm a Christmas fan, so I'd love a new Christmas CD, either instrumental or Christian/hymns.