I've been blogging now off and on since October 2008, and for me, it's not just merely a avenue of self expression. It's a way of reaching out, sometimes to get back what I'm needing and sometimes giving what I think needs to be given. I've got something to say!
But so do you!
Many of my friends and aquaintances don't understand this blogging.
Man! I've got people in my life that don't even know how to use a computer, or have one and don't use it, they're missing out!
What are they missing out on?
Internet hugs, support in unusual ways, connection with the outside world, realizing we are not alone in our struggles, others are going through similar trials. Encouraging words of love and support just when you need them in a way that's just right for you.
Everytime I write, I think........ "I wonder if they'll read it. Why do I keep doing it? I bet if I quit writing, nobody would even miss me." (There's a huge pity party going on here, but it drives me CRAZY!)
I write because it is the easiest way for me to communicate what I'm feeling.
To those who don't know me very well...... yet. I am a 37 year old mother of 4 so far.
I home-school all of them and my two neices, run my own online business, maintain house and home, help where I can when I can, oh and by the way..........
I have a mild form of cerebral palsy.
I don't let it slow me down much though. Oh no. I've got too much to do and say and experience. However, it does get in my way sometimes.
There are times when my brain knows exactly what it's trying to communicate but the mouth and the body send out a completely different message.
For example, my two year old just woke up in a Horrible mood. I meant to hit SAVE and continue writing this later. I hit PUBLISH.
So, let's try this again. I'm often mis-understood, and it gets really frustrating.
I have one friend who constantly mis-reads my words, actions and emotions.
Continually trying to explain my real intentions or thoughts or feelings is exhausting.
As I said in an my previous post, I'm currently reading Stepping Heavenward by Mrs E.Prentiss. It's a wonderful, inspiring book for any woman going through changes, trials and tough times.
I know each one of us have our own story to share.
Mrs. Prentiss wrote Stepping Heavenward in a journal format.
The main character is Kate, who begins writing this journal on her sixteenth birthday and allows us to follow her journey heavenward through her life as a young girl, wife, mother and daughter to God.
She learns through her struggles, only God can truly set you free. Only in God can you find true happiness, and it's only when you learn to depend solely on him and give your life away to serving Him and helping others that you find the true meaning of life in this world, LOVE. And that LOVE, His LOVE leads you to a life of fullfillment more than you can ever imagine.
Remember the person I spoke of that often mis-understands me?
Kate has many people like that in her life, as do all of us. What did she learn through each trial and struggle?
She prayed.
"God, give the strength to love them. Show me how to love them."
He does just that.
So I will keep writing, and I will keep explaining myself, and I will continue to pray,
" God show me how to love them more and more."
Thank you to each and everyone of you who take a moment to read this blog, and follow along with me on my journey.
Thank you for your comments. They mean so much to me.
Without these comments, I doubt I would continue on, but we all need inspiring.
We all need encouragement and support, each in our own way.
May we continue to grow and journey together.
You've got something to say - say it!!
We'll never truly know the impact we make on this world until Jesus' face we see.
until then...... enjoy the youtube video I've posted here
The song and lyrics You've got Something to Say by Matthew West. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSVGocVpLko
Got your link through AR...
Thanks for sharing your heart and the book your reading sounds like a must read.
Take care and God bless.
Thank you for what you said Amy. I just signed up over here but I have been reading your writings on Above Rubies for a while.
I liked your post! Keep it up!
Blessings, Mae
Hi got your link thought qf....
I enjoy reading your blogs! You express yourself wonderfully. I'm not much of a writer so I don't blog(I got this acct just so I could write you this)! I say keep up the good work. I also think you should put some distance between you and this "friend" of yours. It might help. And you need a friend who likes you for who you are and hears your heart when you talk. Melissa
You are such a role model! I am amazed at the blessing you are to the parents of the neices you are homeschooling. WOW! I wish my brothers would let me school their children!
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