Saturday, April 18, 2009

New Beginnings - A New Home, A New Life, A New Start

Hello everyone,
It's been a long journey to get back here.
We officially moved into the new house March 27, 2009.
However, we just got reconnected to internet yesterday. There was no service here. We had to have new lines dug.
The house is absolutely beautiful and perfect: 5 bedrooms/2 ba, a 2 car garage, my kitchen and our office are in the center of the home.
We have a dining room and a great room to entertain and host small groups in.
We have a total of 1.3 acreas and we are almost entirely secluded back here in our little corner of the new subdivision.
It's like living in the country but we are minutes away from our church, Wal-mart and the bank, and 10 minutes away from the "big" city of Longview where my husband works and our home-school group is.
We have a huge wrap around back porch, our house sits on a hill and there is a lake we can see at the very back of our property.
We bought the kids playground today and we will be landscaping here in the next two months or so, getting grass growing, bushes, roses, etc.
God has been so good to us, we are completely debt free except for the mortgage, and even that is pretty good, we are living comfortably on my husband's salary.

I'm still running which helps pay for the kids music and sewing lessons, my cell phone and hopefully soon a second car so we don't have to share.

I took over the education of my two nieces in the midst of all this.

I have 4 children: Lisa (11), Ariel, (8), Amelia (5), Michael (2), I homeschool all of them.
My neices are Adalina (5) and Leeanne(4)

For those of you that don't know me, I'm a Christian, Conservative, Quiverfull, Homeschooling, Keeper at Home, Stay at Home mom and Work at Home mom and have been since 2000.

I enjoy reading books about Amish/Mennonites, Listening to Christian Music, watching cooking shows and cooking, and learning about the Duggars and other Large Christian Families. I teach Sunday School, dress modestly, and maintain our family budget with the use of, coupons, schedules, routines and menus

We had to get all new emails, phone numbers, etc.
So please let everyone know I'm still here and pulling it all back together.
Thanks so much.
Amy Wingfield
3400 Woodview Lane
Kilgore, Texas 75662
I'll post pictures of the house and land and family as I can, keep checking back, I'll post as often as I can.


Amylynn said...

Hi Amy! :)

It's Amy Lynn, from Large Families HS Group. :) It's great to "see" you. Congratulations on your new home. :) It sounds like a real blessing. I am happy you and your family are able to settle in to such a wonderful home on acreage. :) What a dream come true!!! :)

I am going to try to peek in on your blog now that I know you have one. :) Welcome back to the group. :)

Amy Lynn

April Cooper Sanchez said...

Great to see another post Amy! I have your blog on my list of blogs I follow. That is great that everything is going so well with the new house, etc.
I JUST ordered from Angel Food Ministries last week...turns out that one of the distribution churches is on my street, only a block down. I had not even heard of it until I read an email from that I subscribe to.
I would like to talk to you one day in detail about homeschooling, living on one salary, etc. Alexandra turns 3 next month...lots of things to think about!

Anneatheart said...

Hi Amy,

I just saw your question on Quiverfull digest about meeting others that are like-minded. I live in East Texas, in Mineola now, but soon moving to Lindale. I have three daughters and am pregnant with the 4th one. We aren't exactly quiverful minded, but we are proud to be on our a way to a 'bigger' family; we dress modestly and would like to homsechool someday.

Just letting you know there are others in your area...