It's been an interesting 24 hrs here at the house.
My husband woke me up yesterday to tell me his car wouldn't start and he was taking my van to work.
Last night, when he got home, he tinkered with it and then determined we needed to get the car to the mechanic.
However, there's a problem, Money is tight right now and we don't have towing on our insurance.
My husband assured me it was no problem. He'd simply put the car in neutral, have me steer and he'd push me all the way to mechanic using my van, bumper to bumper.
I didn't think that was a good idea.
Well, needless to say, I got up this morning praying, " Lord let that car start. Let it just be out of gas. Maybe it was just the battery. Lord, I don't want to do this."
We weren't out of gas and it wasn't the battery.
So here we go, I'm behind the wheel. The car's in neutral and my husband is pushing me along bumper to bumper, and it did feel much like bumper cars.
We left the four children at home eating breakfast and I prayed all the way, " Lord help us do this. Please keep us safe. Please get us back home to our children."
We don't live far from the mechanic, but we do have to cross two major highways between here and there.
I was scared. I didn't think we could do it.
Proverbs 3: 4-5 says, " Trust the Lord with your own heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your paths." (NIV)
That's exactly what I did, behind that steering wheel this morning, every bit of me acknowledge HIM.
As we pulled into the parking lot at the garage, I started laughing and then I started crying.
" Thank you Lord, for continually telling me to Trust You."
We've been so much.
I realized something else this morning. As healing continues, I'm praying again. There was time when I had stopped praying. The hurt and the grief just overtook me. But as the Healing Begins, I find myself praying more and more
I Thessalonians 5:17 says, "Pray Without Ceasing." (NIV)
Phillippians 4:6-7 says, " Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God. And the peace of God,which surpasses every thought,will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (NIV)
I'm learning. God is always my co-pilot. He is always here. I just need to put it in neutral and coast with God.
In His love,